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These number/letter combinations signify where the patent document fits in the overall process; if it's a new application, second version, or so on. Have a look at this handy table to see the meaning of each code: WIPO Standard ST.16 codes (kind codes) include a letter, and in many cases a number, used to distinguish the kind of patent document (e.g., publication of an application for a utility patent (patent application publication), patent, plant patent application publication, plant patent, or design patent) and the level of publication (e.g., first publication, second publication, or corrected publication). Translation of publication of international patent: DE: 11ccyyn(6) T8: DE112005000164 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: 60ccyyn(6) T8: DE602004000338 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: 6yyn(5) T8: DE60015012 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: n(7) T8: DE3742375 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE The following is a list of European and international patent document kind codes. EP-A documents: European patent applications, published 18 months after filing with the EPO or 18 months after the priority date. A1. European patent application published with European search report.

De patent kind codes

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Publication Kind Codes This list shows the publication kind codes (/PK) used in the Chemical Abstracts (CAPLUS), INPADOCDB, and Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) international patent databases, together with a short description. The countries are sorted by country code. The numbers given next to each code give an idea how many documents Since 1984 it has been possible to oppose patents on which the secrecy has been waived. The 3 month period commences on the date of publication in Section 3a1 of the patent bulletin.

These number/letter combinations signify where the patent document fits in the overall process; if it's a new application, second version, or so on. Have a look at this handy table to see the meaning of each code: WIPO Standard ST.16 codes (kind codes) include a letter, and in many cases a number, used to distinguish the kind of patent document (e.g., publication of an application for a utility patent (patent application publication), patent, plant patent application publication, plant patent, or design patent) and the level of publication (e.g., first publication, second publication, or corrected publication). patent specification (without prior publication of patent application) [kind code B3] patent specification (after prior publication of patent application) [kind code B4] corrected title page of patent specification [kind code B8] corrected patent specification [kind code B9] amended patent specification (after opposition, limitation and nullity procedures including procedures concerning EP patents) [kind code C5] corrected title page of amended patent specification [kind code … 125 rows 2009-01-01 You want to find German patents starting with kind code 'D' (Granted).

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The announcement into the Patentblatt, marks the entry into the national phase. Kind Codes – … 2009-01-01 Summary of Usage of USPTO Kind Codes; Assigned * to Published Document. Appears in Yellow Book and Red Book Data Files ** Kind of document *** A. A1. Utility Patent Grant issued prior to January 2, 2001.

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In most cases, you shouldn't need to generate a new authorization code for your domain just to transfer it. However, sometimes if there is an issue with your  13 Oct 2020 Each item on the front page of a patent is preceded by a number.

De patent kind codes

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On many patent publication numbers, you'll find letters and numbers at the end of the string. These number/letter combinations signify where the patent document fits in the overall process; if it's a new application, second version, or so on.

Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature. The patent number is frequently followed with a kind code, which conveys information about the patent or its prosecution history.
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A1. A1. Utility Patent Application published on or after January 2, 2001. A2. A2. Second or subsequent publication of a Utility Patent their ST.16 kind-of-document codes.

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Country. Type of document. Comments. (DOCDB codes) PK codes.xls, Seite 2. KIND CODE PK. PC. INPADOCDB.

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A2. patent specification (without prior publication of patent application) [kind code B3] patent specification (after prior publication of patent application) [kind code B4] corrected title page of patent specification [kind code B8] corrected patent specification [kind code B9] amended patent specification (after opposition, limitation and nullity procedures including procedures concerning EP patents) [kind code C5] corrected title page of amended patent specification [kind code C8] You want to find German patents starting with kind code 'D' (Granted).

The kind code associated with a published patent document describes the type of document and the stage of prosecution when the document was published. U.S. patent documents are identified by a number (shown on the face of the document) that includes the following three elements: KIND CODE PK PC Country INPADOCDB INPADOC Type of document Comments (DOCDB codes) old CA A A A1 A1 A2 A2 B B < 1275151 C A1 Patent 1275150 - 2000000 C2 A2 1275150 - 2000000 E B 1275150 - 2000000 F 1275150 - 2000000 A1 AA > 2000000 C C Patent > 2000000 E B > 2000000 F > 2000000 ^ kind codes did not appear on the face of patents. Code meaning: WO 1999/001560 A1. patent application published with the search report: WO 2001/073119 A2 Patent Kind Codes by Country – Page 5 B1 Patent of Invention (Second Publication) B2 Addit. Patent of Invention (Second Publication) B3 Certificate of Utility (Second Publication) B4 Addit.